…. here is my second take on the first day of school table!
In just 16 days, my great nephew Jacob will start his school career…… I remember as if it was yesterday, the day he was born. I was the chosen one that got to wait outside the delivery room and then got to hold him when he was only moments old. The kid had an awful rough start his first few years, but on the 4th of September, a healthy and happy little boy will be in first grade. Now my niece has all 3 in school! I feel old, but I also feel more than blessed that I get to be apart of their lives. I have two nieces now grown up living in the USA and I missed out on just about all the special occasions.
I hope you enjoyed this weeks tablescape. Thanks to my sister my blog is up and running again and I hope to be able now to share more with all of you. Be sure to stop by “BetweenNapsonthePorch” for more wonderful tablescapes on this great Thursday!
Oh and a big shout out to my favorite stores for always having everything I need in stock to create these tablescapes: