Wow, can it really be the 29th of NOvember and is Thanksgiving 2018 already done and over? Time seems to flying at lightening speed. This year we celebrated our…
For some reason, this year I had sooooooooooooo many ideas for Halloween Tablescapes. With each one, I thought I had created the “ultimate” tablescape, but then another one popped…
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Halloween Tabelscape……Take 2 Halloween is my Holiday! I love the Colors and the costums and of Course the candy. This year my tablescape designs are more “grown up” This…
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Halloween…..hands down is one of my favorite holidays. I love the colors, the candy and this year I am even going to run a Halloween 5K…in costum! For my…
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In Scrapbooking
Stickers….Stickers…and yes more STickers
816 Views October 8, 2018 Be first to comment
This post is for all those scrapbookers out there… I am sure I am not alone in wondering and trying to figure out the best way to store…
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T-shirt Blanket Phase 2
1.7K Views September 20, 2018 Be first to comment
What to do with all those t-shirts…the ones that we ran 5-10 and even 21K to get? Or the favorite t-shirts that are kids wore when they were just…