If my memory serves me correctly, this is my seventh year participating in the Virtual Run for Respect for my high school in Pontiac Illinois. Every year I try to find another spot of Berlin where I have not been before to tackle the 5K! I get a nice 5K run in and can also share a little history of where I live. This year I was going to take part in a 70K bike marathon and dedicate it to the Pontiac Township High School´s Run for Respect. The bike marathon was even on the same date of the Run in Pontiac… 18 April 2020. But…… that darn Virus had other plans and so on Sunday I put on my running shoes and ran through my hometown of Kleinmachnow. I had just started out, when I passed the first school and that is when it hit me; I would try to run by as many schools as I could and would take pictures of the buildings to give the students of Mrs. Baumgardners Class, ( by the way, Laura and I graduated from PTHS back in 1985! and last year ran the Chicago Half together along with fellow PTHS ALUM Bob Leenders and his wife) an idea of what a german school looks like. I am not able to get pictures from the inside as schools are still closed here. And even if the schools were open, I think it would be just a tad creepy if I went in and started taking pictures!
One year, I will be in Pontiac and take part in the live event, but for now I am thankful that I was able to run “virtually”
280… my race bib for 2020. My t-shirt and Medal are still in Pontiac, as I was to pick them up myself in June…… but corona had other plans
The Steinweg Schule… a grade school with the grades 1 through 6
Schule am Schleusenweg. This is a school for students with learning challenges
Hofbauer this is a large campus…. with a grade school and highschool. So students could start in first grade here and gradaute after the 13th year! This is actually in STahnsdorf, the neigbhoring village
The Weinberg Gymnasium. Grades 5th through 13.
This is our music school. My son Mike had lessons here and was also part of the Jugend BlasOrchester
The Waldorf Schule. According to Wikipedia a Waldorf School philosophy is to teach children in an integrated and holistic manner. Not quite sure if I agree with this method, but for some children it works really well.
Berlin Brandenburg International School. This is a private school starting at Kindergarden age and going all the way till 13th grade. I could not get a decent picture of the school, since it is composed of several old buildings and there is a gate with a guard.
The Maxim Gorki School
Grundschule am Seeberg… This is a grade school, so 1st through 6th grade. It is called am Seeberg because the “mountain” behind it is the Seeberg area! This school also has classes/teachers for children with learning disabilites and handicaps.
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Laura Baumgardner
•5 years ago
This is so interesting! I am going to do a lesson for our class about all of the schools. hank you!!
•5 years ago
your very welcome!