A very important sacrement in the catholic church is First Holy Communion. I am almost 50 years old, and I still remember my first holy communion. I received many special gifts, but the one that stands out till this day, is the gift Tante Paula gave to me…..my first hard cover book….Escape to Witch Mountain.
Recently my great-nephew Felix was the first of his siblings to celebrate his first holy communion. For weeks my niece and I planned this event and she listened to me and decided on a bbq for the whole family. Unfortunately, I arrived ill at her home, and was not able to help as much as was planned on. I did manage to set a pretty nice tablescape…….at this point I need to give a shout out to my sister who went and bought the table runners……THis was no easy feat, as she had to take the pictures with her phone…jump in her car and drive down the road, in order to h ave cell reception. Plus, she had to have a lot of patience with me, since I was working in the ice cream lab and could not always answer my phone! Long story short….we got the job done. Unfortunately, I can not show you any pictures of the complete look(as I wrote I was ill and not quite with it). I would like to share with you a the picture of the small decorations I made. A co-worker of mine had the idea and I loved it! We took small stones and decorated them with the dove from the invites. The stones served a double purpose….first as a decoation and later all guests were allowed to take one home.
Happy MOnday Everyone