Greetings everyone……how are you today? I am excited to share with you all my fall tablescape. It came together quicker than I thought and I even got all my…
Mornings begin with a fruit smoothie.. and thanks to my Thermomix, I can enjoy a fruit smoothie within seconds!
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In Fall, flowers, things that make me happy
Fall Flowers
983 Views September 7, 2018 Be first to comment
Welcome to our home…..and our front porch. When we bought the house the outdoor wall colors were salmon colored and the front door was white and the steps were…
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Happy THursday Evening Everyone… is 6 pm here in Berlin Germany and as always I have had a busy day. The day started off with a general cleaning of…
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My name is Nicki and I am a Napkinholic. It is really not my fault, it is my mom´s. She got her girls hooked an setting a nice table…
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In Biking, Fitness, fitness at any age
Fitness at any age
720 Views September 3, 2018 Be first to comment
Good Morning……it is Monday 08:26 am here in Berlin Germany. My day started with a 1000 meter swim at the pool and now I am busy here at my…