Hello Everyone and welcome to “An American in Berlin” this Saturday! It is 8:39 am here in Berlin and I am enjoying some quiet time before my son and husband awake and the chaos of Saturday begins! Somehow Saturdays never are quiet-there is always something to do and let us not forget Baseball Practice! It is still too cold to do any garden work, after all it is only February, so I will spend some time trying to clean the oven(it got a total work out this past week and deserves some tender loving care. Of course there is always laundry and dusting and vacuuming! But before all this happens I am going to sit here at my kitchen table and enjoy a cup of tea and spend some time looking at all the wonderful entries for Pink Saturday–a blog party I much enjoy every Saturday, so thanks again Beverly for hosting this event every Saturday .http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/
These are the last of my pink roses, I think they look pretty neat in this new type of vase that my sister gave me for Christmas!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone and see you all next week!

•14 years ago
Love that vase!
•14 years ago
They do look lovely in that vase. Happy Pink Saturday.
Cindy Lew's Studio
•14 years ago
Love your site! How did you get your font to look like that? Love it!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Happy Pink Saturday,
Warm Regards and Pink Wishes, CindyLew
•14 years ago
The roses looked great in the cute vase. Happy Pink Saturday.
liberal sprinkles
•14 years ago
hi, thanks for visiting and commenting on my pink saturday post. i love your roses and the vase is so cute! i also love berlin!