For a about a year now, I have been getting the Guideposts Magazine-thanks to my mom! I have to admit it is Beverly at How Sweet the Sound that got me really reading it again. So the other day when this issue came in the mail, I quickly looked for the article about Miracle Makeover. So, my entry this week is not pink and holds no inspirational story-just a thanks for getting me to take the time and enjoy a great magazine filled with wonderful stories!
a slightly different and oh so late pink saturday
541 Views August 28, 2010 1 Comment
•14 years ago
Happy Pink Saturday, Nicki. Thank you for making Pink Saturday special, and for taking part in this day of celebration and thanks.
There truly are miracles going on all around us every day. We just have to open our hearts in acceptance.
I'm still hoping to reach my goal of 200 comments by midnight tonight.