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Welcome back to New Recipe Sunday!
Today I would like to share with you something magical! Recently I was introduced to Magic Salt. Now, I have to admit when I had first heard about it, I thought it was a product that would help me get stains out my son´s filthy baseball pants! (Chuckle, chuckle…) As it turns out, I was wrong. Magic Salt is definitely not for getting out stains…but is there to make your food taste out of this world. And if you are ever in a sad place, just open the jar of magic salt and breath in the aroma of rosemary, sage, garlic and the best sea salt you can find.
To make:
1 bunch of rosemary
1 bunch of sage
1 head of garlic
sea salt
chop all together in your food processor add enough sea salt to get a nice color—store in a glass jar. It is as simple as that. Be prepared….once your friends have experienced magic salt there is no going back….. 🙂
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